During the MASTER CLASS we will engage in various media studies and exercises alternating with bouts of meditation, inviting you to explore and expand your powers of creativity. Elliston Roshi will share his training and teach in the context of Zen and everyday life, taking your questions and comments through interactive dialog.
The ASZC Calendar page will have the most current topic and schedule, but the general outline is below
1200-0100 | Lunch |
0100-0130 | Introduction |
0130-0300 | LectureQ&A |
0300-0330 | Meditation |
0330-0400 | ChalkTalk |
0400-0430 | DialogQ&A |
0430-0500 | Meditation |
(All reading and study materials provided. Bring your documentary media: notebook & camera - feel free to photograph and record. Course content may vary slightly.)
The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to [email protected]. Contact Roshi for additional information.
Individual Class (Per session): $20
Join the Zoom meeting
Email: [email protected] for additional questions.