Picture from the 2019 Silent Thunder Order Retreat & Conference

Like many nonprofit organizations, our donations have dropped significantly during the Covid pandemic and we are struggling to adapt.  Fortunately there is an upside to offering an online format, it affords us the opportunity to offer the Dharma to a broader audience. Our generosity policies are intended to invite and sustain our diverse community and to make our offerings available to ALL who wish to participate. The fees for our classes and programs represent what is needed to cover our fixed costs that support our programs, the cost for maintaining our training, and founding teachers.

If the suggested $100 program price is a financial challenge, registrants can input an amount using the custom program fee option below.

 For registrants who would like to give more than the suggested program price, we have additional giving options available.  Your generosity helps cover the costs for others who are not able to afford the full price. Again thank you for your participation and support.

Media Disclosure & Disclaimer: As our events are online, the sessions will be recorded and available online. By registering for the conference you agree to allow Atlanta Soto Zen Center and Silent Thunder Order to utilize all visual and audio media from the conference for archival, educational and outreach purposes.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software